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Old 01-07-04, 11:11 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Q up the track cause i'm to leave His scientific mind ded like prez..
Ego's so fuckin high he's bigger than hip hop least thats what he says...
You Make me launch into random verbals like lunar modules orbiting the earth..
and like the bullshit for money compared to the mighty dollar you lack exorbitant worth..
EyE.....N.....D... you met a verbal wall call me writers block...
like kids at highschool dances you mouth the damn words never heard you grab the mic and talk..
I bust 100% freestyly bitch so you are nowhere near my mindstate tryin to contain this..
and after they realize i'm the lyrical realest like bis dis missing you will make me famous...
I'm end this like end of dayz fist stright through your head now your a oblitterated...
the vocab its so sad i'm just typing so fast and like i care cause i'll be the underrated........