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Old 01-10-04, 11:35 AM   #8
Harlem's Finest
Posts: n/a

BBC Three... I think 9 - 10pm or 10 - 11pm etc... Isaw the ad for it but found it by surprise on the night... best to check listings.. its worth watching..

Nah, I ain't heard of practically any UK artists... underground or whateva...
Where I am there's hardly a scene.. I mean we got the 50 cent d/r's everywhere etc... No-one I know personally is into hip hop as much as myself, 'n as said, I don't know much bout the UK side of things..
Sloth... I reckon he was real wack.. sounds like a bitch...
Skinnymans pretty tight... some decent lyrics but again nothing amazin'..
The London accents are the worst thing ever, I think it sounds shit... esp. when they say 'bruv'... all the time etc...
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