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Old 01-10-04, 11:58 AM   #40
Middle Weight
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Posts: 426
From: Canada

Originally posted by C-section

rawkus is comercial? mos def, talib kweli, pharohe monch, skillz. their comercial? rawkus is one of the few record labels that are still about making music with out gimick bullshit.

1. Rawkus went out of business a long time ago, just read the news on Kweli's site. They didn't have any money.

2. DR.Dre is a perfectionist. Rakim approached Dre and asked him to produce his album, seeing it was his final one, he wanted to go out on top. Buty Dre and Rakim didn't agree on anything really, like most artist complain about working with Dre. But it was Rakim who turned down Premo's beats not Dre, Dre even said he's ok with splitt'n the album down the middle with Premo, but Rakim didn't like any of the beats Premo offered.

3. Eminem produces most, if not all of his record labels music. Dre get's royalties on everything, but he doesn't really produce anything, except 1 or 2 tracks for each.

4. Commercial or 'Underground', aftermath right now is on top, at least as far as $$$$$ goes, but then again, if you make a lot of money in rap, then you automatically become commercial and your no longer underground, well at least according to these netcee retards on here.

5. Everybody know's a good beat when they hear one. Guru didn't like any of the new beats Premo was putt'n out either, and still hasn't released a follow-up album cuz he won't hire another beat maker. So much for Gang-Starr

6. The only reason Ice Cube was signed to Aftermath was for that stupid NWA idea with Snoop, but Dre want's to put out Detox before that.

7. Rawkus records was the best in my opinon, but their done now, so the choices are slim.

8. If you don't know what your talk'n about, don't pretend to. If you don't believe what I've posted, I'd love to supply links if the stories are still online or archived.
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