Thread: em
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Old 01-10-04, 04:00 PM   #23
Middle Weight
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Posts: 426
From: Canada

Originally posted by ...OpeY...
if u like mainstream rap and u dont like eminem then ur an idiot. he is one of the rap greats. Other great rappers list him as one of the greats. When you have legendary emcees saying that you are legendary... im pretty sure ur atleast half way dope. also he doesnt have a gangsta image at all. when he raps about killin people or "being gansta" he makes it cartoonish and witty. And saying that after him no other white rapper will ever make it is just rediculous. theres already another white guy makin it... ever heard of bubba sparxx? and there have been othr white rappers that were pretty nice in there day. they just werent such a huge success and they weren't as blatently white.... that man is pale as fuck!

btw... that racist bullshit is crap. I freestyle and record it with my black friends all the time and shit like that comes out. last night i was flowin with my boy and i said somethin like "this white boy cant spit better then most niggas." am i dead??? no... am i racist???? NO! get over it lol

^ Listen to him and Learn. Finally someone who laid it out the way it should be told. Just cuz one angry has-never-been black dude on this board doesn't like Em, all you little followers have to come up with Bullshit to say he sucks. If Jay-Z, Nas, etc all say he's one of the greatest well

Nice work Opey
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