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Old 01-11-04, 02:08 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

its a race to the finish but you bite, you leave on steady.....
you already lost, dont check in, cough up the dick riders already....
he named himself lil jon cuz its the only lyrics he bites from.......
he says hes catholic but hes embarresed because hes muslim....
go buy a Rapping for Dummies book because your gunna need it..
he hasnt entered puberty or expierenced hair in his armpit......
im shooting bullets but you cant dodge em with my 22. Deuce......
his mom gone crazy and he still dont understand her drug abuse..
i dont need ur alias shit i just want urself a.k.a The Real McCoy....
im knockin over your dummies and recognizing your fake decoys...

keyed up 4 mins
writers block also
spit when you can
uppin for your verse