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Old 01-11-04, 03:54 PM   #52
Word Bond
Posts: 131

he was with 2 other white guys when he said that shit not black guys

and fuck your lil make belive shit, i don't give a fuck, you think i ain't got people in jail,who sell drug and life is fucked up? the only diff is i ain't tryin to spread it across the net to seem hard, to prove something to someone i don't give a fuck about, you just typed your life story cause you got something to prove,shiiiit i don't, i didn't diss you till you said i know nothing about hip hop because i ain't on eminem's jock

and even if your shit is real, what the fuck dog you ain't got to try and pass it off as hard "look how real my life is now" shit, i gotta eat too but i ain't about todo smething dumb to get money

and how the fuck you gotta make ends meet when it looks as if you payed your aol or msn or whatever you used to get on the net bill

i ain't gonna act like i have the worst live cause the fact is i don't have it that bad, but my life ain't sweet

and how the fuck did i "proved your ignorance" but you think it's alright to say "nigga" but i don't have the right to be mad as a young black man

damn right i'm still a slave other wize the would be no reason to say "(no pun intended)", the fuck, you think i'm act like one of your coon ass friend "massta call us niggahs all da time, eye's dont mind nones"

the fuck you wastin my time for
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