Thread: Existence
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Old 01-11-04, 09:30 PM   #4
Tourniquet's Avatar
Posts: 149
From: Australia

Thanks for the feedback.

Necro, you are correct in mentioning existentialism... When I first went to Uni I did 1 semester of Psych before changing my second major, and the existentialism theories always intrigued me. I havnt studied it formally for nearly 5 years though, just my own personal interest.
I tried writing the piece so that the thoughts were sort of looping, confusing in a way... because I wanted the reader to actually feel the complication that we fill our lives with and all for nothing as we all die in the end anyway, and to me, that makes us all equals. Its the one thing everyone can be assured of having in common, death.

V, my avatar is that of the Koran, a book that sits on my bedside table always. I tend not to close myself off to any certain path in life, except my own. And that involves parts of many different faiths/theories/beliefs of what we are and our purpose while we are here. As a student of archeaology and ancient religions I am always finding new teachings so my thoughts are constantly changing, but always questioning. For study purposes I learn all, but personally I take only that which I feel akin to and I move on.

Once again, thanks for the feedback
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