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Old 01-13-04, 08:43 AM   #14
Posts: n/a

This is definatly something that makes you think...
The concept of people actually doing that plus the fact that any kind of incest is veiwed as horrid in America makes this peice mentally revolting...
But the form in which you told the story makes it easier to swallow. You seemed to be able to tell this smoothly, it flowed, and still you didn't know what was to come next. You didn't see the father as a bad person until you realized exactly what it was that he was doing to her, and then you were upset with yourself for not realizing from the begining that he had problems, big ones! The rest of the story as well is chilling... the fact that people could see other people, especially those related to them so closely, as less of a human because of any race sickens me. But there are things implanted in people's mind that will never make sense to me, and I don't expect them to.

I didn't read this peice because of the title, or because of the number of replies (which I didn't realize were so large until I came in here), I read it because I know you are a gifted writter and that I could expect something different from you always. Please don't ever loose the some times odd edge you have. Because you have the power to grab the reader and keep a firm grasp of them all the way through, you are certainly a brilliant writter.
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