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Old 01-13-04, 12:07 PM   #79
...Fuck With That!
...OpeY...'s Avatar
Posts: 2,239
From: Splivit Jams Inc.

^lmao u sound like a 70's freedom fighter lol. no ones stealin music from the black man. its not BLACK music... its URBAN music. but everyone is so concerned with race that they slap a black label on it. u of all people should be offended by the fact that blacks are stereotyped as the poor gutter trash of america. when someone like eminem, who was brought up in the same poverty, comes along to tell his story about his fucked up life he brings more attention to the bigger picture. we are a country who throws our minorities and poverty ridden people to the side. he is exposing our need to stereotype and prejudge people, which is a huge reason why we have so much poverty. He is bridging the gap and drawing attention to the problems in our society. If nothing else he is a strong white voice in favor of the black community. think about all the kids, teenagers and young adults he influences. no other rapper has reached that many different types of people. and his music opens their minds to search for other hip hop artists who have things that people need to hear. and the kids that are listening to these messages are our future leaders. thy're the ones that will one day make laws and run the country. these are the people that you want to hear your message. you want to influence these people. no one is stealig anyones culture. we are embrassing a movement. you should be behind that movement. it's funny that u mentioned jazz and rock because the same phenomenon occured in those genres. The black culture was embrased by the youth of america, and later on that same generation helped to stand up against racism and fought for equal rights. You need to realize how powerful music really is. it is a very powerful tool to get a message across. you should be happy when your message spreads so wide that it breaks culture boundries.

and on a side note... when i say nigga in a freestyle it is never used against someone to mean "a black person." and i also dont use the word with people that don't really know me. and i never use it as an insult. but when u use my race as an insult it is degrading to my whole race. And even if someone does use racism against u, u cant fight ignorance with ignorance. if you are racist back then you have no right to be mad at that person because u are bringing ur self down to the same level of ignorance.
<center><img src=""><p>Featuring Splivit Jams Artists: OpeY, Mystah Biggs, Chassis, July, Grimes<p>...and Pills the Doughboy, Kronik, Nimrod, Papi Stores, Young Cell, Skillz, Tony Ccino, Cin Laden, Cel Spit Fire, Clockwork <br>...Plus Many More...</center>
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