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Old 01-13-04, 07:03 PM   #69
Posts: n/a

All poetry. As i haven't consistently read much work outside that section.

Dagyrlremarqbl - Consistently at a high standard of writing. Everything she writes shows how good her 'pen' is. And critique's pieces very well too.

Necromancer - Has a truth to his writing. An unsettling truth. His style varies in a sense, but mostly is decievingly 'simple'. Hiding the layers beneath and in between it. Also HIGHLY original. Though controversial, and pieces may not be universally appreciated. Especially due to the usual type of subject matter.

Twizzle Stix - I don't know how long he's been here. And what he does in open mic or audio. But he's highly talented. And the recent stuff i've read of his seems to be more of a 'freewrite' than a 'finished' piece as such. Yet they don't slip much in standard. I can vaguely remember some of his older pieces. But they were superb yet over-looked on the whole. He has some rough edges. Which'll probably smoothen out in time (and hey, i can say that about virtually all the people i've read on here). But it's the raw writing talent of his that makes him, possibly, legendary material.

These are the three that came to mind from the poetry section. Though there are many more, these are the ones that stand out for ME. It edges towards personal choice. But hey, i'd say so are 90% of the nominations in here.
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