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Old 01-14-04, 12:53 AM   #4
Wise Ways
Posts: 909

...My name was Inert Ways

Be careful hoe.. ya battles.. not to mention flow.. is just terriable
This kid thinks he's underground.. cuz he's in a toxic waste barrels
Chances of you winning? Better kiss them good bye.. they're gone
Head to head with Wise?
Learn to face demise Cyanide..Come on..u even spelt ya name wrong
Why bother Syanide?Shit..everyone knows ya wack w/ or w/out an alias
Ya dryed up Sy..
Face it.. tha only time u've looked hard.. was when I saw ya staleness
Skill levels acute.. Even a mute could fully dilute any of ya audio hazards
Always be lame..kid couldn't elevate playing a game of shutes and ladders
He thinks his spits stable..just because he hocks them on tha concrete
What a herb.. had to customly put it in his sig.. to show niggas he's elite

Peep sig and Avy for full effect....lets see some honest votes now