Thread: Fist fights
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Old 01-14-04, 07:10 AM   #9
Harlem's Finest
Posts: n/a

Man.. I ain't had a one on one since I was like 10..

Peeps all know each other really round here.. theres gotta be a good reason to start.. Tho when one on ones kick off, its usually a straight scuffle.. madness.. hardly a fight unless someone cleans the other with an unexpected first hit..

What I hate is peeps gettin jumped.. I see more of that than fights for sure..
Stamps 'n kicks to the head etc.. I reckon its pretty raw..
Most peeps here do pills etc... and some of the self-confessed 'bad-boys'.. who are quite weak anyway.. go out lookin to cane some bloke comin home pissed up etc.. which is real wack..
That does my head in.. esp. when you're with peeps that jump someone... plain stupid.. I always try and stop shit quickly..
Basically, I hate fights man.. one on ones are safe for a reason but otherwise I try 'n keep outta shit..
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