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Old 01-14-04, 12:29 PM   #119
Gunman tha Great
Posts: n/a

oh and me and my homeboy make shirts nowadays so its just dalinkwent and tha shit we'll come up wit, Malcom X shirts, Martin Luther King joint wit the "I have a dream" speech, a Malcom,Martin,Che,and Ghandi shirt with "what would our four fathers say" written on it, a Harriet Tubman shirt with "Still running" written on it.A Biggie shirt wit tha picture of him wit tha crown on his head, a Pac shirt wit the pic of him in the car tha night he died. and a picture of that olympics photo of the black sprinters with their heads down and their fist in the air, wit THROW UP A FIST FOR BLACK POWER written on it, i can't wear that one around campus cuz some teacher found it racist. and a shirt with plain ol RESPECT VIRGINIA written it. Since i've lived in a thousand places i got RESPECT INDIANA,RESPECT GERMANY,RESPECT LONDON,RESPECT NORTH CAROLINA, RESPECT HOLLAND,and just recently RESPECT GEORGIA on tha front wit "U DON'T HAVE TO LOVE WHERE I'M FROM,OR EVEN LIKE IT, BUT U WILL RESPECT IT SIMPLE AS THAT" on tha back, i'm trying to make a fucking wordfind shirt wit 'KISS MY ASS' written in tha wordfind and have "GET IT?THINK ABOUT IT"written on tha bottom of tha wordfind. and plenty of Bob Marley shirts, i only spend my money on shirts,hats,and just a pair of white,black,and macaroni timbs.fuck jeans as long as them shits aint faded,then u str8
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