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Old 01-14-04, 01:11 PM   #14
Posts: n/a

[i]very nice!!!....this is one of the best battles i read today...
Listen .....only time you get pussy when you pettin' your cat/
the whole world is you stage...and you gettin your claps/
^^^nice but a played line.....

You like the town "get on"err body get on you/
and you gotta be a diaper evens babies shittin on you/
^^^not bad i think you tried to pull off a punch but it didnt go smooth

And what's up with Weezy? Clear ya throat star....
Even if you flipped my name, you couldn't eat these bars!...(kitkat)
^^^clever word play

I dont even need ten, cuz I already killed him with these....
Kill wit him a new "A" and Kill "U" wit "E"'s...(ease)
^^^tight here too....

You say your not where I'm from?...ight dawg chill....
Cuz I agree fully wit you...seeing that my Origin's Ill!....
^^^yeah i understood that one...good flip....

Punches: Tie
flow & rhyme scheme: taktik

Vote: Taktik

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