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Old 01-14-04, 03:32 PM   #16
"Cuz bruk said so"
bouncedoggydog's Avatar
Posts: 1,540
From: Los Angeles

(Aimed At ScarNflictR from the hood...LMAO)

Damn can you beilve the lyrical whackness...
It's like trying to be a man while sackless...
A lesson I learned, 'Scar' is what's left after I verbally burn...
Intense heat melts flesh from bone as I direct fire full blown...
Decimation is your realization once my thermal excitations
Ravage your damnation of lyrical wit...
NflictR of shit... Scar your memories with penitrable Hitz...
Slapped down like Back-hands from RB's population of Pimps...
Crippled your Movements like... \/HERBs Post Below\/ ... SCAR's just a Gimp...