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Old 01-14-04, 07:42 PM   #3
All Ur Wins R Blong To Me
Posts: 450

I been calling out someone who can reach my level, who can win
been gettin posers, newbies who say "how do i check in???"
It's getting pathetic the way i slaughter all this new meat,
Been gettin challenged by newbies and handing them the defeat!
This fresh little bitch is about to get knocked out, get it handed to him,
He said he'd take me no problem but his rhymes say "i'll let you win!"
Your ass is more cannon fodder, meat for the grindin stone,
But before you even check in you got 911 on the phone!
Your just a newbie kid, why you think you can take Blend?,
You gonna learn the hard way that you can't defend or contend
Seriously step down a level go back to the tutorial pages, whackness emergency,
Say man I'm the whackest wanna be emcee, help me this is urgency!!
Why do you losers step up guys like me, i'm soon to be known as the newbie killer,
Shit i hardly even try cuz compared to everyone of you bitches im obviously iller
Your Gettin ripped gettin served and i hope that you have finaly learned,
When you playing with fire your gonna get burned!

sorry that took so long, i was busy
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I have like a ton of votes on this but the fag I'm against doesn't want to loose so he keeps reporting them as d/r's or something so I'm down to 2. So just give me back my rightful votes.

Blend Vs. Kasper