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Old 01-14-04, 09:26 PM   #23
Posts: n/a

can you please repeat that, but in english?

~~~all his radio shit is written is you dont know now you know~~~
~~~He is told to freestyle and do his thing, well guess what uhh its written listen to the radio "WAKE UP SHOW" wha.~~~

How old are you? You dont even make sense. Someone simply asked what Juice has been up to and I answered them.... then you throw a shit fit and start typing jiberish that I cant even understand.

None of us will ever know who writes their freestyles and who doesnt. The only way you can ever tel for sure is when an MC throw out a sharp comeback in a battle. Again, in the battle against Nat when Nat refused to rhyme over the beat Juice had a real sharp line about that in his next round..... obviously something liek that is off the head cuz Juice had no way of knowing Nat would refuse the beat. When Nat did the Biggie voice Juice had a sharp response for that, again could not have been written.... remember the Juice/Eminem deal... catchin anorexia and eating a 3 course meal..... again couldnt have been written.

But again, there is noway of telling which MC's do and which MC's dont write their freestyles. Maybe Juice does, maybe Nat does, maybe Em does, maybe none of them do... you cant say for sure. I wasnt asking you to admit to the Juice/Nat battle bein dope I was showing you certain examples of freestyle that could NOT be written.

Whatever though, Im not gonna get into any beef with you... I cant even understand what youre typing so it's pointless. So Im dont responding to any of your posts homie. All I did was answer someones question. He asked what is up with Juice and no one seemed to have an answer so I tried to answer it and you go off on some little tantrum.... the word hater comes to mind, but again, im not gonna get into it with you


~~all his radio shit is written is you dont know now you know~~
First of all this sentence doesnt make sense... but if you are saying what I think you are sayin you have no proof or this

~~I have cd's bitch~~
and your point is?

~~He is told to freestyle and do his thing, well guess what uhh its written listen to the radio "WAKE UP SHOW" wha.~~
ummmmm, where do I start with this one? LOL Get an education kid. What are you even tryin to say here? What language is this? Again I know Juice.... you dont. You dont have to tell me about the 3 1 minute freestyles you heard him do in your life.... I've heard that and then some....

"I think back to when I battled Supernat in two-thou, Juices first loss whats he gonna do now. I held my undefeated rep sacred inside, but like a real G I had to take it in stride. A nigga beats me and his flow is off key, thats when I vowed never let him make doe off me. On the Wake Up Nat was sayin Juice was pre-wrote. Not knowin Im so sic I see the next 3 quotes. And I know he sounds like Big but Juice is unbelievable, you have to know me to understand, its simply inconcievable. In this underground world its hard to be believed, when cats always say your shit is preconceived. Nat tried to give me some advice about my flow, he gave me the ultimate respect and didnt even know. He said stop written your battle rhymes and freestlye more. I just smiled and thought, now thats what I freestyle for..... Ill always keep it real for yall, thats sincer ya know, from the heart".... Take it for what its worth kid
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