Thread: Have You Ever
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Old 01-15-04, 05:17 AM   #11
Dadi Kewl
-Merk Squad-
Posts: 1,755
From: England

Unfortunately yes.
One night i was walking back from blackbush market near camberly
We had been fucking about there all day, just drinking and smoking
We we're walking home, back down the dual carrageway...just jibbering
I took a swig of my beer, then looked round to say some shit to him..
..He wasn't there...and i saw a truck that had gone past...slow down
then pick up acceleration...i was like 'Where the fuck you
best not have passsed out on me' i looked behind me and there he was
Hanging off the branch of the tree...i went over and noticed blood everywhere
..he had a hole in the back of his head..i got him out of the tree, and tried
to get him to come around...but all he did was make a mumble..and then went
limp. It was the most fucked up thing thats ever happened to me...everyday
i think about those people driving the van...i get worked up, and get into fights
if i ever find out or come across who was driving...they'll resent to the point that
they'd rather be tortured by saddam...
Anyway...those living in britain may of heard it on the news...

R.I.P Mark Ayres...
Who's life was stolen..
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