Thread: Crew Forums
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Old 01-15-04, 08:38 AM   #1
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Crew Forums


I think RB is starting to have WAY to many crew forums, it looks stupid having so many newbish and shit New Crews with stupid names.
None seem to do anything and are rarely active.

I think that the setup with the Crew Forums should be changed like Edicus says in the Crews/Hook-Ups forum.
Theere should only be Established Crews, and i think there should be only about 5 or 6.

I also think that Audio/Text/Open Mic should all be merged into one crew each with its own sub-forum for each category.
Because i don't see the point in having just Open Mic crews, because whats the point? not hating but why bother, amy aswell all chat on aim and write ya pieces...

I think the main thing to be done to make the crew forums better is

- Less Crews (only established ones), and have maybe 3 New Crews, and that the point of having a new crew is to try beat a established crew for their forum. This way it makes the crews more active.

I think the whole crew system has gona wack on RB, and needs improvements and changes...
Don't bother replying with stupid free-posts or sarcastic comments...
Just give some ideas on how yout hink it could improve, or wether yout hink its fine the way it is...
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