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Old 01-15-04, 09:38 AM   #3
Problem C
Problem C's Avatar
Posts: 172
From: Philly/South Media

U got no chance.. cuz one of U used to be a herb that bites..
The Second makes my beats N the Third asks me to re-word his lines
That's three strikes.. but y'all can bring on the pitches..
I'll be havin a 'fowl ball' ..... when I swing on these chickens..
d Q.. lets hope ya friends.. make up for Ur chokin when..
I let the blade in U N spill ink all over.. like I broke my pen..
Lokk ain't that big tho.. ain't that talented, smart.. but Ur cryin..
^Cuz U'll be those before Ur eminem.. okay? so stop tryin..
I'm the wrong vet to try .. a walkin bomb threat..
In otherwords.. U'll bite the dust.. then try to flip its concepts..
probs a world above the rest.. these fuckin cats are queer..
U just made it past orbit.. N Ur about to burn up in the atmosphere..
Save Ur name.. U can't win.. so try to get my title at a later date..
Cuz I'm takin down erry forest in Australia so there's no paper..mate
One of U'll run Ur mouths.. N even Lokk know he talks..
So I'ma step up wit a board N own 'Vert' like Tony Hawk..
Ur the wrong combination to get passed this, stop..
N fuck.. prob knows the right combination when I master lokk..
I'm SOOOO the man right.. cuz I'm known to stamp guys..
Put my hands on Ur neck N Titan so much.. U'd think I own the franchise..
Awww man.. U had me goin.. pretendin U was tough N all thug..
So now I'm crushin balls off the tease' like the end of a golf club..
That means U better hope santa brings protection to U peasents..
Cuz probs known to slay in the snow.. with out the dear or the presents..
Lokk's a nobody STILL.. N Vert.. Ur nada jack...
Soo fat.. when I hit U.. Ur skin not only waved.. but holla'd back..
On the other hand.. Vert's also no one.. cry to me bitch..
N Lokk's so skinny his ribs ain't just touchin.. they're siamese twins..
U'll get ate quick.. Fuck U losers.. prob know shitty rhymes..
Ur just a carbon copy of B2K.. minus WEEZY, A PEN N witty lines..
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