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Old 01-15-04, 02:44 PM   #3
Posts: n/a


arkhangel brings it raw, the truth
erecting skyscrappers out of steel, glass, flesh and tooth
ascend the lyrical elevator, to my room
the pearl gates embrace you in the warmth of my womb
or if i permit, they'll send u back to your tomb
cuz i control your fate, theyre aint nothin you can do
to escape your doom, im your fuckin gaurdian angel
i follow your every move from every angle
im all around you, ever thing you do, i see
your destiny belongs to me, could have you killed in a blink
but i wont, cuz i like how you flow.
you dont choke, and thats respectable.
up against a heavenly body like myself
someothers would back down, forced to rot in hell
but metaphyzical brings me down to earth
challenged by the being whos followed him since birth
to a battle of the intense lyrical kind
where you need quick witz, only the strong in mind
can survive, and ive been known to throw hits
that can evaporate your spit
before they even fuckin leave your lips
so for this, i cangradulate you
even if your in a freak accident soon...
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