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Old 01-15-04, 03:20 PM   #13
Mona Lisa.
B.I.Detained's Avatar
Posts: 1,334

I'm seeing replies & peeps are looking at Consistancy as the main factor, which is true, but it is such a fine divide between COM n Feebs in this that its swaying either side. Props to both for an aight battle but both know cudda been harder n more effective.

COM-you came good and straight to the point. Your stop/start style can be good in most parts but sumtimes the punches jus aint hard enuf
We were friends on lif.. but then you started this tif
^^its a gr8 set up but none the less its a filler in which every line shud be
a decent punch
Anyways you came partial to your ability but still hit good

Feebs-I think you came w/ the best bar in the match but once again dint
hit like am used to seeing. You seem effortless, cud be good in sayin ya still
won in coming half assed but you only jus edged this. W/ slightly better punches & CONSISTENCY

Best Bar(My Opinion)--

com you suck, and its the truth .. any real vet knows this
'world rejects real rappers, so coms morally excellent ..

"Woop Woop, its the sound of da police"
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