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Old 01-15-04, 08:24 PM   #4
ShO-Nuff. Fuckers
K.Largo's Avatar
Posts: 1,263
From: Finland

ok feeble.


your the current champ?.who's this kid imitiating
U dont size up to a drizzle when you're supposed to B reigning
remain thru it all ..the single hand that feeds him
who says my son is spoiled just look at the times I've beat him
defeat him again?..-
.I'll meet him first when he steps in the door
drive his head through it and put a new look on board
we know your running for supermod ...and slowly cprogress
but I'll let u beat me ...if your campaigning for status
they named me the baddest, to kill without trying
I saw your narcissim when i heard u riding on I aM.
on the real why push?. when by yourself u will plumet
have u seeing stars without Bush and his budget
watch dude bake, cause in target practice I shoot fake
christmas passed now.... so I lay rest to this fruit cake.
I bag the lame.. and u can ask any bitches that know me
I also can dull,
...... so from now on make wishes and blow me....! ! ! !.

..G luck home-E

*edited some typos*
MerK SquAd.

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