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Old 01-15-04, 08:34 PM   #1
High Class
A King Missing a Queen...
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Posts: 1,573
" Lost Hope " ( Real Nice )


" Lost Hope "

The drastic times continou, a line forever being elastic
Where hell reaks its havok, and drugs creat more addicts
Post holding extatic thoughts, the future serving hateul plots
As the birds tune stops, more wars created and left fought
One shot is all it takes, then the scale will rase its rate
Fates holding no weight, means more deaths will accumulate
Are we used as bate, or of a master plan to intimidate?
If love keeps loseing its grips, whats left to manage hate
The truth is held in us youths, and the paths that we choose
Were fools to not learn now, cause lacking knoledge, we'll lose...
Without Passion, we will take wrong action and have no ration
If you know the car will reck, then keep the seat belt fascend
There are many intentions, but were ordering wrong missions
Think of the potential of man kind, and reveal the intuitions
Your vision seep's through the cracks of blessed lands of facts
So instead of the great... Where stuck withh opinions of the past
Life is a long task, so why put our children through harsh reality
Where we judge nationalities, and words can only cause fatality
People have given up, and minds for centurys have been feeble
Our skriptures going through times so lethal... Yet its our sequal
These waves will one day ingulf our boat, and forget all we wrote
With this I wont Kop, we must end the beggining of our " Lost Hope "

( Tell me what you think guys, be honest... Good enough to be in the legends? LOL. Well, this was just emotion I had in me. So I decided to write down how I was feeling at the time... Holla Back everyone... )
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