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Old 01-15-04, 10:51 PM   #1
Gene Pool
Light Weight
Posts: 283
Stories of Old ft. Yaz [A MUST READ PLZ LEAVE FEEDBACK!!!!]


yes ppl I know it's fuckin long but if u could read through it and leave some honest feedback it would be extremely appreciated we both spent quite alot of time and thought in putting this together. hope u ppl enjoy.

flowin this to: Save the Day by Atmosphere

Hook: (x2)
[Gene Pool]
the sorrow the pain, the anguish and the insane/
feelings of afriad, where bravery is tamed/
these are the stories of old, so listen close/
Grow on knowledge to avoid death so cold/
the 5orrow the pain, the hate the 5train
lifez not alwayz the 5ame az the frame
theirz a diffrent 5tory, no matter how it'z told
but theze be the 5toriez... the 5toriez of the old

Verse #1: (written by Gene Pool)
here we go, Yaz and gene Pool ready to rip through the stories of old/
so first on the list, I’ma bout to rip the shit bout this kid named Joel/
who was ripe in age, 14 years filled of hurtfull thoughts on every page/
just to say, things were never good between both his parents rage/
fights would break, more and more violent everyday/
and all Joel wanted was to get away from all the pain/
their was once a time, Joel spaced away from outside his mind/
took that knife, and sliced his wrists, blinded from the light/
cried once he realized the blood rippled the waters of Christ/
and god guided his way back to the external flows of life/
he kicked and screamed, during that hospital scene/
and u wouldn’t believe, how obscene his parents be/
he sat there alone, emotions bleeding out from his rattled bones/
and he couldn’t understand why his parents just couldn’t condone/
cuz another fight, arguin about Joel’s precious little life/
threatenin the thoughts of the knife, to the endless nights/
then for months, hours of sleep weren’t cherished but lost/
for Joel, to afraid about thoughts of eternally passing on/
but until one night, Joel’s dad tried to end his wife’s life/
he grabbed that kitchen knife and slice, slice, slice/
then high pitched screams, Joel went runnin out to find his mom/
bleedin from the stomach, breasts, arms and at the knees/
his mom went runnin away, tryin to find a safe hidin place/
to get away from the fury, and subjugate from death and pain/
then it happened, Joels dad came out from the bedroom/
smeared in his mother’s blood, and Joel went runnin/
he found the spot, grabbed the gun, came up behind his dad/
din’t hesitate to pull the fuckin trigger, then suddenly it was done/
the days passed, Joel 17 and livin lower class with his mom/
barely gettin through highschool, cuz drugs were stealin all the fun/
already barely summin up the cash for rent/
Joel’s past thoughts just weren’t able to repent/
but it wasn’t to much longer, with the days growin thin/
livin in the projects, Joel’s life soon coming to it’s end/
there was this night, Joel was rockin at this party/
smokin pot, and doin the drugs, and fuckin all the hotties/
it was when, he brought this one bitch to bed/
not knowing his life would end, gunshot to the head/
Joel fucked the wrong girl, for it was one of a friend/
peaked and pissed, he ended Joel’s shit in blood red/

[Gene Pool]
the sorrow the pain, the anguish and the insane/
feelings of afriad, where bravery is tamed/
these are the stories of old, so listen close/
Grow on knowledge to avoid death so cold/
the 5orrow the pain, the hate the 5train
lifez not alwayz the 5ame az the frame
theirz a diffrent 5tory, no matter how it'z told
but theze be the 5toriez... the 5toriez of the old

Verse #2: (written by Yaz)
yo gene, did i eva tell you bout my boi trey/
how he made him5elf framed an took hiz life away/
if only he wouda known thingz would get better/
iz not hiz fault that both hiz parenz left ea¢h otha/
hiz motha waz only 14 wenever 5he brought him here/
put him info5ter kare, an let 5umone ele5 fear/
an with a tear, the la5t word Trey ever 5aid/
yaz u 5ee ma mom, tell her 5hez fuken dead/
an he left, an il never let go, il remini5/
bout the horrid thingz he u5ed ta 5ay, an hiz bli55/
i wi5h, he wouda ju5t, wen't on with all of thyz/
but he fuked all that an grabbed ma gat 5hot an mi55ed/
toll me ta bak away, i takled him ta the ground/
an with a load 5ound, Treyz pal5e kod not be found/
gue55, thaz how it goez, but damn i mi55 ma ni¢¢a/
An if i kould ¢hange time, i wouda loked da trigger/

[Gene Pool]
the sorrow the pain, the anguish and the insane/
feelings of afriad, where bravery is tamed/
these are the stories of old, so listen close/
Grow on knowledge to avoid death so cold/
the 5orrow the pain, the hate the 5train
lifez not alwayz the 5ame az the frame
theirz a diffrent 5tory, no matter how it'z told
but theze be the 5toriez... the 5toriez of the old

Verse #3: (written by Gene Pool)
yo Yaz, that’s some wacked shit, but wait till I tell ya about this one chick/
that I used to know, hooked on smack, crack and heavily into the blow/
she used ta take, her bathroom stall breaks, to chase a taste/
to snort a line, come to class feelin like she strapped by the binds/
of time, and her mind compressed, by these mathematical crimes/
she strives in life, hittin the books with good grades/
or that’s what her parents say, but plz don’t play/
cuz the truth is sealed, and unrevealed, listen to your daughter/
cuz none of u’s ever cared to learn about the way she feels/
so Sarah, depressed, sick of livin with the shit her parents complex/
always tellin her what classes to take, what career they want her to partake/
but they don’t see how much hate, is built inside, Sarah always tryin to escape/
so she resorted to drugs, always attending every class high as fuck/
ready to bust, then one day, she awoke in an ambulance not in a bus/
she quickly came to realize, with the rest of her that was still sane/
she was over dosing, on her chronic overuse of cocaine, a damn shame/
cuz the young beautiful Sarah, 17 years of age/
never got to see the light of day, from her resting place/

[Gene Pool]
the sorrow the pain, the anguish and the insane/
feelings of afriad, where bravery is tamed/
these are the stories of old, so listen close/
Grow on knowledge to avoid death so cold/
the 5orrow the pain, the hate the 5train
lifez not alwayz the 5ame az the frame
theirz a diffrent 5tory, no matter how it'z told
but theze be the 5toriez... the 5toriez of the old

Verse #4: (written by Yaz)
now let me tell you anouther 5tory bout thyz gurl i u5ta no/
grown up a kloned life but iz not like 5he would know/
at age thirteen her daddy fuken raped her a55/
5he would go ta 5kool, an 5kip every kla55/
5hed never la5t, her emotionz juzz 5taked higher an higher/
gettin the be5t of her, boiz would alwayz tri her/
ravin an rantin bout how they got a pea¢e of the hoerid bea5t/
the one who liked to fea5t, on kok, but naw that all 5toped/
after the 5ui¢ed attept, everyone waz 5hoked/
they all thought, an looked at the girl they thought they knew/
5he toll her frienz iz ju5t the flue, but then it all kame out an blew/
5hed never eat, 5hed never 5leep, 5he waz afraid of gettin beat/
the only thing 5he kould turn to waz guiden¢e on the 5treet/
and she started her new karreer, bustin her knees for green/
lettin her emotionz get the be5t of her They be te5tin her/
lettin all the guyz get in her pantz by impre55in her/
5he wazen happy but it waz payin the billz/
of her knew life, 5till one thing waz not fulfilled/
then one day 5he wen't bak home an pu5hed her dad out the window 5eal/
ju5t ta let him feel,All the pain he brought hiz lil daughter/
an after all waz done, 5he left him in a 5laughter/
it waz alterd, 5he kut him up from hiz head to the tip of hiz toe/
thinken of all the pain that her fauther let her know/
not ta bother with kleanin up or all that 5hyt/
Walked by her dad with hiz adamz apple 5lit/
"Wat a prik" az 5he Went on her way home/
got in5ide of her apartment an heard the phone, 5he 5toped ta prond/
afraid of whatz on the other end/
5he piked it up, hung it up, an went to 5pend the night at her friend/
thyz time it waz frantik, their waz no po55ible kluez/
an the girl we all loved, 5he hung her nek ina noo5e/
let loo5e an let her feet dangle, 5he 5trangled/
I gue55 itz true, life getz rough aroun the anglez/

Hook: (x4)
[Gene Pool]
the sorrow the pain, the anguish and the insane/
feelings of afriad, where bravery is tamed/
these are the stories of old, so listen close/
Grow on knowledge to avoid death so cold/
the 5orrow the pain, the hate the 5train
lifez not alwayz the 5ame az the frame
theirz a diffrent 5tory, no matter how it'z told
but theze be the 5toriez... the 5toriez of the old
<center><table style=filter:GLOW(color=red)>Atmosphere - inspirations of following in the footsteps of story tellin rhymes</table></center>

<center>Corrupted Visions</center>

<center><table style=filter:GLOW(color=black)>Giving Sight A Third Eye</table></center>
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