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Old 01-15-04, 11:34 PM   #42
Posts: n/a

were im from is like a mini me of east LA. mostly hispanic people. some black people, and as far as i know there is only about 3-4 white people if there is more they never leave their houses. and some native americans that got kicked out of their pueblos/reservations.

sucks for the native americans cause their goverments treat them better then ours do. they have no taxes, all the casino money, all of them are driving new cars and have nice houses. free scholar ships, private indian schools. and regualr cops cant fuck with them, if they get introuble out of the pueblos all our cops could do is hold them until the BIA comes and picks them up.
but the ones that were dumb enough to get kiced out dont get shit. so the native americans where i live are the crazy ones that drink all day and get in trouble.
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