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Old 01-16-04, 10:20 AM   #2
Posts: n/a

lOl... Hurr we go...

I'll "BLOW" you "off~da~map" like "coke addicts" sniffin' lines off~an~ATLAS
Pop~wid~straps and bring this faggot to da ground quicker than Sadaam's~palace

Won't TOUCH this HOM~O, but his "rhymes" is like Witney wid a pipe b4 a performance... a NO~SHOW
Got this "CAT" "leapin' on Da-Feets" like them fuckin' "Puma Lo~gos"

Plus the only "GAUGE"~you've~bust is used to "show the FUEL LEVEL on a BLAZER~TRUCK
Dude "RECORDs" TAPES~to~bump while he ROLLER SKATES~for~fun jus to say he ROLLIN'~on~"BLADES"~&~"DUBS" (whoa!)

Take it further than ROBERT and CRAP ON YOU, homie, we can skip~the~pissin’
And it’s like you “BLOWIN’ ON WILL” the way I’ll have you “EATIN’~THE~*SMITH*~n”

GAME OVER!!! I think that's all I need to spit... lOl CL
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