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Old 01-16-04, 11:42 AM   #7
Verbal Kent
I'm an alias...
Posts: 202
From: England


I was tryin to stay SOoooooooooooooooooo far away from this battle... K asked me to vote... Feebs asked... fuckfuckityfuckfuck..!

Ok... breakdowns... line for line...


your the current champ?.who's this kid imitiating
U dont size up to a drizzle when you're supposed to B reigning
I got it... yes I did... nice play... no hard hitting... naw mean..? in a 30 line this would've been better... 4

remain thru it all ..the single hand that feeds him
who says my son is spoiled just look at the times I've beat him
probably your best couplet... damn good... 7

defeat him again?..-
.I'll meet him first when he steps in the door
drive his head through it and put a new look on board
I saw where you were going with this... or where I would go with it... good shit... 5

we know your running for supermod ...and slowly cprogress
but I'll let u beat me ...if your campaigning for status
no... I saw it... still don't like it... 2...

they named me the baddest, to kill without trying
I saw your narcissim when i heard u riding on I aM.
*shrugs shoulders* I kinda get it... not hard hitting... 3...

on the real why push?. when by yourself u will plumet
have u seeing stars without Bush and his budget
if you'd have said Bush or the budget i'd got a 8... 7 nice line...

watch dude bake, cause in target practice I shoot fake
christmas passed now.... so I lay rest to this fruit cake.
lol... fruit cake lines never go out... 8

I bag the lame.. and u can ask any bitches that know me
I also can dull,
...... so from now on make wishes and blow me....! ! ! !.
if you didn't see candle you're a fucking idiot... good... not for a closer... the bush line would've been the closer... 5...

total:40 out of... 80... F+


when i think of the legends, your image is lingering slow ...
cuz if this shit is wack, u taught me everything that i know
wow... off rip... 8...

Bribe we're searching for dopeness, & your verse is inertial ..
cuz if that's the stuff.. then you're in a hostess commercial
if you get it... it's funny... if you don't it's meaningless... 4...

Largo its time to clean up your mess, i even threw in the rag
only time he's outta my league, is when i boot him from tag'd
nope..! 1...

M~M says im elevatin quick, no way i'll reckognize you
cuz I'll quit just before the second i do ..
take out just would've flowed better.. other than that filler... 2...

your only delayin my options, and your just a hooligan g
he's makin rapbattles more horrible, than vbulletin three ..
lol... I don't like the set up... but... lmao... 5...

u can pave the road to success, for combatin ya doubts
but then i'll come along, and I'll fucking flatten it out ..
fuckin stupid... if he paves the road... it's already flat... *shakes head* you're better than this... 4...

that will amount, to me revealing ur wackness, slews
cuz like ur sig says: Expression With Words: Eww ..
if you'd have left out Expression With Words: it'd be alot better... 6...

total: 30 out of 70... F...

vote: K. Largo... damn good battle here... n' soon Feeb's you'll be able to beat me... lol... You too bribe... bitches I aint playin..!
<center>Merk Squad
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Verbal Kent
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