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Old 01-16-04, 05:23 PM   #37
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^oh basically what ur sayin lyical is that white people(bein one myself) can't say nigga, spic, chink or neother shit like that when we rap, but EVERYONE else can say it AND they can say cracka, honkey...and all them words that might...just MIGHT offend a white person?!
cuz thats what it seems...ur sayin that its fuckin wrong for a white guy to say nigga or spick and shit, but a black dude, a mexican dude, an italian dude, or fuckin asian dude fa christs sake can say ANY goddam word they want...but white people are restricted to only certain words..(i.e: fuck, bitch, cocksucker, motherfucker, pussy, asshole, goddam, slut, whore, trick, motherfucker, etc...i believe you see where i'm goin wit dis)...

UUUm read my other post too thats egxatcly what im saying nobody should be sayin nothin then there would be no bullshit and so much racial tension....BUT it is worse if a white guy sais u nigger then if a black guy sais u cracker.. it jsut is if u wonna know why read the last posts before better in my last post i said IF URE NOT THE RACE URE TALKIN ABOUT DONT USE THE WORD.........p.s. italians ARE white lol
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