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Old 01-16-04, 10:31 PM   #7
13th Disciple
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Posts: 2,650


i'll admit the truth...u resemble one of the reasons why i chose to retire Regime...
...cuz u plagued the forum so consistantly..u depleted us of our Wackness vaccine
first u got cut from the team...then challenged us...then tried even being our friend..
...u tasted rejection repeatedly..lost ur sense of humor...and was pushed to Wits End
again i'll reveal a fact...the last couple of ur battles i printed & still continue to peep...
...only because at 1:00 in the morning its the only thing that'll put my son to sleep
ur fuckin weak...and thats real talk...yea u beat me once...i'll let u go ahead an boast
...cuz it didn't take a genious to piece together ten lines of my OWN personal quotes!
doesn't matter about votes...cuz ur not a threat dawg...too me ur just a pup.... tell u the truth...the freepost was better than ur whole verse...look 3 posts UP

Mystery Murdera

Barz of War Champ?..LLL HvyWeight Champ?...SS Hall of Fame Champ?!..nice indeed...
...^That battle...........^That battle...............^That battle..yup..u happened to feed
see u just read the lines..while i read inbetween the lines...for once follow my steps... uses..T..everybody's..OP...verses..for..F..fresh.. EE...better..DING..concepts
too complex?..that one prolly set u back a couple of u thinkin to urself...
...quick's ur crew casting shadows when ur shadow's doubting itself?
almost got me madder than hell...i peeped Legend nomination & u questioned my stats
...then i looked at the facts...u wasn't in cuz ur wins belong to Chrit,Av, & Camarac's
and even many others..that u stole victory from..from flippin there own rhymes...
...fuck it..i'll leave out the closer cuz u'll use it as the help u to shine
Blessed wit Skillz