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Old 01-17-04, 02:59 PM   #1
Nigga Ima OG.
Viscosity's Avatar
Posts: 738
From: Chicago
Haste.. [Ft.. Maven]


Emptiness lurks, but the shadows dissolve
evolve from the depths of the earth
Problems and fantasies, trying to be fulfilled
from the smallest to the top.. we build
Architechture blueprints, must work with haste
blood, and drips of sweat on the face
Fast is the only pace.. no slowness is laced
keep workin till ur at the end of the wall and braced
Winning is the only solution, cat & mouse as I chased
style unduplicated, cant be traced.. problems faced
And foe's beaten... so I keep building, till im complete
its almost obleet, but the feat, will be matched
Undefied levels will be patched.. and beat
demons & devil.. must work faster.. to achieve
happiness after.. stress will relieve..
Then we will share the laughter...

we need to quicken the pace of this welfare society
which is lacking in heart, programmed for propriety
attempting to live quietly and die in the same way
as their father before them, can't forget him today
simply cause the world is heavier than can be fair
sitting on the floor cause we can't find a handy chair
settling for second best because it's all we achieve
in life we retrieve from children who have been deceived
by ones who taught them reading, writing and arithmatic
divided we fall back to future; together we must stick
so we can show the generations that we amount to more
than the scientific breakthroughs, the blood & guts & gore
over clouds we must soar, where inflamed brains give way
to a better brighter future that will overlook today
but the freedom will be lacking after we have had a taste
don't continue in the status quo, break out & make haste
OG Status

My people skills are way better then yours, nigga..
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