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Old 01-18-04, 08:06 AM   #3
\/ pissing me off!!!!
menolin's Avatar
Posts: 2,122
From: UK

this guys a closest fag, he reveals all with his location,
i aint gonna back down to you, in the heat of confrontation,
my 'infa-red' red spit 'signal' the end of you life,
i control like 'remotes', im the bight shining light,*
his spits 'ecco' his weakness, time and time again,
he DW's bitch on site, an probably in real life.**
i snap your back, watch your synapses over react,
you go down easier than tents when they collapse,
and personals, win this fist-fights with words,
you ryhmes are filler, like RBs thousands of herbs***

*the other line say 'the end of your life'
the next says 'im the bight shining light' when people have near death expericences they say they see a bright light!!!

**he in all DW's crews, and they is " friends " in real life!!!

***RB has a lotta guests, they fill the sites numbers up!!!