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Old 01-18-04, 08:31 AM   #5
[/merk material]
Posts: 1,124

Originality - Both
Personals - Both
Punches - ECCO.. the multis = nice flow = harder punches
Flow - ECCO.. multis made it ill
Multis - ECCO.. great wordplay
Opener - Neither.. werent feelin either
Closer - ECCO.. jus read it! That bar woulda won by itself


He took the vital catergories wiv these lines:

"I slay my prey wit venomous force, defendin' my cause,
Protectin' my laws while you like an STD tendin' to whores,"

"Hate, I've been labeled a pussy, a wigga, and a rookie a few.
But never been insulted as bad as when RB mistook me for you."

^^ definate quotables..

Dont hate.. peep this an drop a vote plz:

- Deja Vu -
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