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Old 01-19-04, 12:48 AM   #5
The Necromancer
Atra Ludio or Hip-Hop?
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Posts: 817
From: Cottage Grove, Oregon

I need to re-read this again when I don't have an upset stomach. (Who knew eating a pound of candy really WOULD give someone a tummy ache?)

But... currently, I'd like to say this was great. Like the aforementioned 'stream of conciousness' deal, like a Sole of Anticon kind of rap or something. 'Course I was reading this wrong. It's my fault. But the words were quite impacting.

Personally, I don't think love is worth much at such a young age. Or any age for that matter. Not until you're sure of the person you're with. And the funny thing is, you're never sure you are sure because the only time you'll know it's wrong, is when it's too late.

But eh, best of luck with your future love life at least.

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