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Old 01-19-04, 06:05 PM   #4
Neek's Avatar
Posts: 112
From: Hell,YO

ok lmfao!!!!......Have it due by i guess 11 30 there...heres my verse

I'll be 'Up front' even 'Backwards' Neek-is-Keen,This demon-brings,heat to make singular numbers from even-teams!/
You're battling a kid who's fuckin'-ruthless,remove your spirit and glue it externally....Now you're stuck-on-stupid./
i heard you like lumber and know it Damn-good, so when i beat you with branch's at 'dawn'..You'll notice the 'am'-bush/
Dawg you'll be clinging limbs-at-hospitals, if you think a win-is-optional, cause truthfully neek's pen-is-off-the-wall/
Neeks so eager-to-eat-ya, he'll cause your femur-to-seizure, as you pray and cross your fingers-for-rebirth/

Cant do much with 10 lines =/...There ya go man