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Old 01-19-04, 06:42 PM   #15
Posts: 135


I'll be 'Up front' even 'Backwards' Neek-is-Keen,This demon-brings,heat to make singular numbers from even-teams!/<--i dont know about this opener i liked it...not bad

You're battling a kid who's fuckin'-ruthless,remove your spirit and glue it externally....Now you're stuck-on-stupid./<---ok....

i heard you like lumber and know it Damn-good, so when i beat you with branch's at 'dawn'..You'll notice the 'am'-bush/<--didnt really like this couplet here...

Dawg you'll be clinging limbs-at-hospitals, if you think a win-is-optional, cause truthfully neek's pen-is-off-the-wall/<---ok...

Neeks so eager-to-eat-ya, he'll cause your femur-to-seizure, as you pray and cross your fingers-for-rebirth/<--blah at this ending not liking it..


Battlin this newb... little bitch goes by the name of Neek
Congratulations... you've jus started on your losing streak<--ok opener could have came harder witha better punch...

Your laying down the rules, What?, you think your a vet
Your just a nobody, nothin, you dont deserve any respect<--ok...

This kid here, yes him^, the one obsessed wiv his multi's that are wack
Here's a present, 'You Jus Got Merked By Freeman', Even wrote it on a plaque<--not feeling it..

Well Done! Should be proud, your coming up to your tenth post
You think youve achieved... But it aint nothin to boast<--ok again..

How can you try and diss me when your a mother fuckin cripple
Your such a lightweight, even if threw you in a pond...
... you wouldnt make a ripple<--cool,ending not hard hitting but won it for ya...

vote freeman..i felt it didnt flow as well as neeks did but neek had the flow and multis..but freeman had more punches..not hard hitting ones but won this battle ...