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Old 01-19-04, 08:46 PM   #86
Syntax Mastery
Fucking Genius
Posts: 618
From: Georgia

i called a white kid a cracker at my birthday party 8 years ago....

i guess i shouldn't consider a career in rap because i racially slurred someone 8 years ago...

this issue is so fuckin drug out and faggish... the rappers they are interviewing are trying to save face for the "image" they portray on tehre songs...

its gay as shit that some black people are so insecure that they'll hold a grown man of another race responsible for something they said when they were in there teenage years... they look for anything to say "i've been victimized, and i feel horrible cuz he said "nigger" 9 years ago".... it sickens me to see there jealousy not allow them to move on from this "slave" state of mind...
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