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Old 01-19-04, 09:51 PM   #3
Posts: 135

checking in biatch...

Im on a mission to merk, fall to the silent attack
You’re the son of a bitch…that sold her egg to science for crack
Try and relax while I go to town, duke
And I’ll use the eggshells ya walk on round me for my soundbooth
Don’t act like ya fuckin known to me
Id give a bio like you did but Google doesn’t have results for another nobody
So Don’t deny that you’re wack, ugly fucks die for that crap
Cuz you’re sight for sore eyes, and any other eyes for that fact
Its like ya flames at shows, but I still retire the best bitch
Cuz on stage you draw hugest crowds…to the fire exit
Let him bore me?, naah this loser sucks he’s feminine surely
and I take your soul, but Rule,B2K took you home in their gurney