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Old 01-20-04, 03:10 AM   #1
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iLLman vs. B. rantis 2


i'll go first this time,

i don't care for blind spits, all my chicks the baddest
a B. i'll do it again your rhymes is cabbage,/ you average
i ain't plain, you stuck on the babbage,/ i'll-- never get chewed like burgers wit horse ratish,/
this niggas must be out of mind,he think he HOT,/
he ain't listen to me, "somebody tell'em that he not,
your verse, was no way work, my no way worked you jerk,
im digging your grave, i'll turn you a worm in dirt,
im killing your first, im killing your last,/ im iLL from birth my curse, so im still in the past,
you trash, i said it before,/ you know it by now,/ if we battle for twelve rounds you ain't touching the crown,you clown
you wanta be down, you hyping you up, / i'll come at you neck, "respect" you ain't typing enought
the first battle i was claim, till you talked that stuff,/ like i don't do this for living, i just write to much, "you mut"
you forcing your hand, you lossing your touch,/i don't care for punch lines cause i'll fuck you up,
so look,
you losing again, so go call a friend,/ tell him get on the rap battles, and vote till you win,

i killed you again,
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