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Old 01-20-04, 09:08 PM   #8
Elevating Beyond Perfect
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Originally Posted by TheProphet777
i just thought of this has much sense to it read this...

those that apply that care about records...

You care because you think you are good...or you proved yourself good....meaning ur record is untouchable and you might have d/r or meaning u want it always...

Those that apply that dont care about records...

For example to care for a record it be like Starcraft Or warcraft 3 or battle experience of levels in diablo...or wins on counter strike...this means shit to us....cuz u cant cheat ur way unless u dl hacks...u know.....and for the main fact...
Rb..u can cheat like most of the time...cuz of d/r or hate votes against ur matter how good ur verse is....

For the latest games u cant cheat so you earn your win the right way....does this help out? hope so

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