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Old 01-20-04, 10:15 PM   #39
Posts: 2,653

I haven't read ALL the opinions. but most.

If rb lost the recs it would go to shit.
I hate joining other sites because I don't have an idea of who's good and who's not and who has reputation. And after about 4 days being on a site actively you will begin to see who really is good and who just has a fake record.

As far as the n00bs voting for battlers because of recs..
If the high record people would battle in the right forum (elevated or elite) that wouldn't be much of a problem.

I think we should keep the recs as it is doing no harm. People would lie about their online recs and put them in their sigs anyways. D/r will stay no matter what happens.. they will do anything for a win. Whether it so they can say they beat them or so they can update their record in their signature.

So my final conclusion is getting rid of them would be ignorant and hurt the site.
Plus, most of the guys in here that said get rid of them don't battle anymore. (No offense to any of them because I'm cool with most of them).

There tis.

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