Thread: LM Vs Alias
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Old 01-21-04, 08:12 AM   #3
Drop Of Genius
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Posts: 1,793
From: The promised land

Just somethin quick...

Your pathetic bitch, your a disgrace to your poor old mother
Coz you cant get a win, even if your aliases battle eachother
Your just another wannabe, loves garage but claims it's rap
Maybe that'll explain one thing......the reason your so wack
And it's a fuckin fact, you go second so you can pre-write
It'll be proven when you have no clear personals in rb's sight
You light a fire and still cant bring the heat on the keyboard
That's why you lied and made up an imaginary fake net record
I only did this coz I'm bored your only here to kill some time
So now I expect to see, the first prewritten you find...

1940 - 2002