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Old 01-21-04, 02:03 PM   #3
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I was an outsider.. recognition was seldom
a situation that was prior.. to a hope i'd tell them
When those felt mis-guided.. i'd aid them
the service i provided.. didn't phase them
Mind, i didn't.. just glad i was reliable
nothing wrong with it.. but liable
it was the same to me.. alive, but i knew to die
then a man came to me.. w. issues of suicide
gun in his palm.. i soothed his wrong
I remained him calm.. made him feel like he belonged
It wasn't a fake dream.. just confronted life too quick
n' so he thanked me.. n' went home to his wife n' kids
Then I ran into a runaway.. n' the hole he crawled in
i asked him what he done today.. n' his problems
he opened up to me.. told me what he was feeling
Told me what he was s'pose to be.. n' things he found appealing
He didn't want to stay.. in the family he'd fail to be..
though the clouds are gray.. they stay co-ensigned w/ reality
He accepted my advice.. no longer felt broke
"thanks your real nice".. and ventured back home..
crept to a bench, be it vile.. thanked what he had
Looked to the sky, smiled.. n' put the newspaper over his back

No one knew my name.. not that it chastised me
I would remain.. as long as those recognize me..
aiding was worth it.. as long as his spirit were colors
n' it was his sole purpose.. to give his life for others
A late day in the winter.. he'd search leaves n' cans
but got up un-hindered.. to help a troubled man
the man holding a gun.. another suicide case
he started to run.. as he seen the look on his face
His legs ran steady.. at the mis-lead person
i knew he was ready.. n' this time it was urgent
"DONT DO IT!" i yelled.. he jerked his neck
he replied 'I belong in hell.. for things i cant forget..
"Dont waste you life.. whats your name?i've never heard of ya?"
Take my life?.. sir, im a murdera.. (shot at the man)

People wondered.. but lacked the notion
By mid-summer.. they had finally noticed
Men at the funeral who came.. cried drops to there toes
"what was his name".. nobody knows...........

Live For Good Morals, Know The Truth
Instead Of Sympathizing For YourSelf,
Sympathize For Those Who Sympathize For You