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Old 01-21-04, 07:01 PM   #5
Elevating Beyond Perfect
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Posts: 1,141


Some take sympathy for granted, others give it without thinking,
while others just dont give it, and slowly there compassions shrinking.
Sympathy is something important, something which should not be takin slightly,
but before thinking of showing sympathy you should stop and think precisely.
Sympathy can bond two people or end an awful thesis,
but sympathy can also break a heart in a million pieces.
Sympathy can tick a bomb inside ones brain, which causes them to cry,
and all you will see is ice cold tears running through ones eyes.

The Never Forgetting Day
I was off for a mourning walk when i was confronted with a stranger across the street,
She looked awfully tired and was struggling hard to get on her feet.
I hurried across the street and quickly helped this lady stand,
She thanked me with a smile, as she held out her hand.
I shook it, and smiled back, then i couldnt help but notice the rag placed across her body,
and i also noticed a shooping cart full of what seemed roody.
I offered her some goods and some temporary shelter until she can get rearanged,
but then i got terribly confused when the expression on her face changed.
She went from gleeful to fully dull, and i saw some tears fall down her face,
she then threw the money at me, and called me a filthy disgrace.
I was terribly confused, and i thought she was inconsiderate,
it was as if i had done something wrong, or maybe this lady was just literate.
She stepped up to me and told me that i had just crushed her heart,
because she wanted to be treaty like everyone else, not like someone apart.
She taught me something that i would never forget, it was as if her spirit had spoken to me,
and that teaching was that you should always think before ever showing Sympathy.

If you dont understand anything i put, then just ask me, ill gladly explain, good luck auspicious...and i hope everyone enjoys.

Lets get some votes..

Story Meaning: You should always know when to show sympathy for ones condition. If its one of your children or your wife or one of your fellow friends or acquaintainces and they are hurt or have gone through a rough time, then yes you can show some sympathy, but for those that are not as lucky as you may be, those who may have some disorders and wanna be treated like everyone else, showing sympathy will just make them feel bad. Treat everyone as the individuals that they are and not by how they may look.

EDIT: Edited some spelling errors...