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Old 01-22-04, 03:58 PM   #4
Nigga Ima OG.
Viscosity's Avatar
Posts: 738
From: Chicago

The circle of life sits beneath me
I fly discretly..the world lies underneath me
Effortlesly, flying over the sea..
What was once huge, is now speck's of people
My mind is feeble, opened to this new variety
This new defied destiny is lethal..
The things I never thought I'd see-till
I began to fly... as I begin to soar in the sky
The world becomes dim, and shadow's trim my eye
River's flow, and my heart open's..
My destiny begin's to grow, and I ressurect
Bravery and hope grows like I flex
Deep blue sky, I seep, soar in the sky's eye
Plane lands, and im still flyin in my mind
Because i've completed the design, and
finished the plans... because I learned to
soar in sky.... one of the few - who can fly
OG Status

My people skills are way better then yours, nigga..