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Old 01-22-04, 05:00 PM   #7
Fuck You, I Rhyme Better
Posts: 2,488

I love the imagry in your piece...It had an easy flow to read, would have came off better had it been audio...i like the approach of the pleading boyfriend/husband...the vocab use was good, but it seemed that a few more would have been better...good word choice through out...

I think your approach definetly hurt your piece... I enjoyed how you showed a killers point of view, that part had nice content...i felt it hurt your piece because the transition to the next part was too abrubt... while both parts have a comman theme, i dont think you put enough into both to solidify them as a whole...if you made a middle verse about the victims view, or expanded on the killer, etc...I felt the 2 parts could have made a better transition...

vote: Evolve