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Old 01-23-04, 03:25 AM   #3
Wise Ways
Posts: 909

Z's throwing cabbages.. but lettuice ain't tha only thing he tosses
Know why he ain't showing his rec? Cuz Z had 0 wins and 5 losses
Ain't making fun of tha dude..but hey..competition wasn't an excuse
I'd say face people ya own level.. But Z battled nothing but n00bs!
Fuck insurance.. Ben making this chicken duck mo times than Afflack
And that shit u spit's literally crap..spewed straight from tha ass crack
26 years old with a 0-5 record? Just gotta say.. don't quit ya day job
You're beaten by basics.. cuz ya talents smaller than most spit wods
Evelation's at ground zero.. never going up.. and there you shall die
His custom text is a lie.. gave Z Hermes sandals.. and still wasn't fly
Ya confused! got about as much chance of making sense as plastic cans
Tha only time I seen you underground.. was viewing ya casket plans
Speaking tha truth.. when I say ya flow's went rotten.. I'm telling it
No one remembers you.. Make Zarbon tha lost and forgotten element

No feeding... If you don't get tha punches... don't vote