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Old 01-23-04, 04:24 PM   #14
Chris Black
On That Gangsta' Shit
Chris Black's Avatar
Posts: 359

Originally Posted by OutCome
Eminem isnt falling off by far, its simply a matter of his style changing, redirecting himself rather from an underground type spit to a more mainstream and truthfully a more meaningful mature story telling spit. nough said, if he is falling off then whys the world on his dick? chances are half the people that said he sucks own half his cd's

"let are voice live on through the lyrics that you hear in our songs"

I have all his cds, but that doesnt mean he isn't falling off...
The MM LP was his best but it wasnt classic...
I just like how he puts words together...
His subject matter is garbage...
And he can't put words together as good as he used to...

Kinda like Nas...
Illmatic was the pinicle, but then he fell off...
I still bought his shit though...
Cause you know it's still better than most, and it's not complete garbage...

H e n c e F o r w a r d
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