Thread: COM vs RULE
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Old 01-24-04, 02:25 PM   #4
Yes I Know
Posts: 1,215
From: England

Rule think's he'll win... but he's ten bars below par
We all know he's a bitch... all he's missing's the JA!
Your first battle in this place... and the first of your defeats
How can you plan to keep pace?... when you haven't found your feet?
Rule wants to build a rep... then puts out that fucking shambles?
No-one picks up on ya wordplay... like knives without the handles!
Cut from Wits End? when you thought of that did ya wig itch?
Read up on my history but didn't bother to read my sig bitch!
You seem uninspired... You've shown no skill, I'll show the door
Click your heels... coz "Toto...we're ain't in topicals no more"!