Thread: Abortion
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Old 01-24-04, 09:37 PM   #1
T West
Middle Weight
Posts: 452
From: Toronto


Thsi is probably a worthless thread but it's really something that needs to be dicussed. Anyways, Friday in class, we saw a video of an abortion taking place. After watching that video...I am 100% against abortion. I used 2 think it was ok and watever, but that was one of the most disturbing things I ever saw. Im not very good with science, but it's just disturbing. The unborn child has little feet, little arms, and you can clearly see the head. Then the doctor stuck some tube or sumthin up the women, and started sucking sum liquid out. And you can see the unborn child fighting for its life, trying not to get sucked up. Then it rips off the body from the head...and the doctor sticks sumthin in the woman and crushes the tiny head and sucks up the rest. Atleast, dats what I picked up, the rest I just couldn't take. Seriously, out of the 28 kids in my class, after the video...only 11 of us were left.

What do you all think of abortion?

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